Sunday, August 21, 2016

Post Nr.3

Spreadsheet is used in Excel. For example, a hairdresser would use it. One uses it to sum or count a cell or a column or range of cells. Count and sum are called functions. There are different ways to count and different ways to sum. 
Count, in Excel, is called COUNT, COUNTIF and COUNTIFS. 
Countif example
COUNTIF is where, what. That means one has to select, where(place) is where one wants to know the what and what(thing), what one wants to know. 
If one has a column of cells of where (service), and one wants to know the total that one shaved. One presses a blank cell, inserts the equal sign and writes countif. Next you open a bracket (in the same blank cell), one selects all the column of service, writes(;) and selects the what, shaving. At last, one closes with a bracket and presses enter. 

180 words

COUNT: count the number of cells that contain numbers
COUNTIFS: where, what, where, what

SUM: sum a range of cells
SUMIF: where, what, numbers
SUMIFS: numbers, where, what, where, what



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