Comment made by Sophie Lueg to Camila. |
Positive comment that ends with a simple question to keep in contact with the blogger. |
Around the world, comments may work erroneously. Everyone can have a subjective opinion and announce it, but commenting is bad interpretert. Definition of commenting: a)A written note intended as an explanation.
b)Annotations, explanations.
c) Remark expressing personal reaction or attitude.
Commenting has something warranting structure. Helped by the blog “Grammar Girl”, we share with you easy steps that will help you show of your maturity in every single one of the social medias.
#1: Determine ure motivation: Is the context you are commentng at to horrible that you can’t let it be? Do you strongly agree with the writter?
#2: Provide context: when there is a lor of commentts already, some people don’t understand. So choose the context to make your comment stand out a little more.
#3: Be respectfull: don’t be harsh on people thinking diferently.
#4: Make a point: Why did you love it? Why was it hurrenduous? Pin it all down in your comment.
#5: Don;t write comments based on yout intituition. That will work sometimes, but it fails 70% of it.
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