Thursday, May 5, 2016

Constantin Viktor Klima, called Tino

My parents told me, that Constantin means to be constant, consistent, persistent, abiding,...
I hope this will happen some time.

I was born on the fifth of June 2003 in the Hospital Aleman in Buenos Aires. My mother mentioned that she tried everything to wait three hours more, that means I was born at three o'clock in the morning of 5/6/2003. My father had this strong request, because he is born on 4th of June and he didn't want that we have birthday on the same day....who knows why?

I have three citizenships: Argentina, Austria and Germany. It makes it a little bit complicated withe the passports.

I have 4 siblings. Two are living in Austria: My brother Jan, he is already married and has a daughter-.therefore I'm already aunt. My sister Julia, she is a teacher.
With us in Argentina live Catharina ( EP 6 Goethe) and Carolina ( EP 2 Goethe).

My hobbies are Basquetball ( I'm relatively tall for my age), painting Graffitis ( because of my parents I'm using paper and no walls until now), everything what is related with water :
  1. liqud: sailing, swimming, diving, 
  2. colder: snowboarding, skiing
  3. frozen: skating
Me be it is a heir from my father, he studied Informatics, I love everything in digital form: my laptop, my Ipad, my Iphone, my Playstation, Internet with Youtube,......

If somebody, who reads this and is intersted to get in contact, give me a comment on my blogg.



My video:_

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