Friday, May 20, 2016


I'm Constantin Klima,

I did already an exercise about data storage.

Here you have a link, if you are interested:

Data Storage

Now I'll try to give you a personal impression about our storage facilites at home.
Therefore I made a video with an Apple Iphone and uploaded it via Internet to my Youtube account.
Then I pressed Share and Embed to get the Iframe-address. Here you have it:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

But it is more practical if you press in Blogger first HTML copy it  and then include it:

And now I'll show you an other video, describing the local storage devices:

The next video shows you an example of Cloud-Usage.....Drobox:

We had a foto on local storage, made a copy in the file Fotos Familie in Dropbox and then you could see a small blue wheel, when he uploaded the foto in the cloud.
Afterwards we took the Dropbox App in the Iphone and looked in the file and could see the Foto....
using the Internet-connection...we could see it everywhere in the world, where it gives an
internet connection.

As you can see, in the last video I had to hire an operator for typing, because I did the intelligence-work.

Thank you for your interest dear colleagues.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

 For me it is good that I can express my feelings in a comment , which at the same time helps another person to improve their quality when they are writing a post . I think I've improved writing posts . It is a very good idea to invert time on making these kinds of comments that can help us a lot in the future.I also encourage this a lot, to make First of all, I read the post , without losing concentration. After reading about twice , I decided to take a pooling , and review good things that 
interested me , and the things that I did not find very useful . I could 
help with the PNG sent by Professor Benassi, by Google Classroom. With
 no video, audio or photos , I couldhandle in an easier way , only commenting on the text.
This is my word cloud :

Hello Everybody! I was thinking a lot about how I find this way of commenting. I came to a deduction. People write comments every day, but as we disgus in class "not the right way". And it may be true. But when we get into wattpad, twitter, and other websites the comments are not written like that. More like: How beautiful you look here! Or: Thanks!  And stuff like that. So technicaly the greeting, value, and promise is missing. I think that when you make a comment about something, it means just say something shortly to someone. That is atleast what I thought until now. The steps I took to figure out how it "should be" were easy. Read the information and complete my task using what I learned while reading. It was easy, and that is how  felt: in ease. I say everybody writes comments (mostly the teens because of the social medias, in my opinion), and it comes in all form and sizes. For instance, I think my comment could have been much smaller, and contain the same amount of information. To summon everything up: In my opinion, comments can be made in 
different ways too.

(Some words are marked with colors, because they are important. The colors don't mean anything. They are just to it prettier instead of "negrita")


We chose a map for our word cloud, because in the whole world people comment each day a great percent. So, hope you enjoy it!

When I was commenting Sof and Solly's post, I felt good and curious because I never comment posts. It was a new experiance for me, a good one.
I had to read the text of the picture "Anatomy of a Good Comment" many times, and it helped me a lot. I also read a lot of comments of my classmates, it also helped me. Then I talked with my friends and classmates about it.
It was very interesting and fun, because we all thougt many diferent things and ideas.
The video I commented, was very usefull to study for the test, and for doing Exercise Nr.1. I allredy undestand all the words they said.
I felt very confident afer watching this video, I  really don't know why.
When I was writing the coment I had to look constantly if I repited some words.
I really enjoyed to comenting on this post because I really learnd something new and interesing.

Hello everyone,
This is my personal reflection about this project:
I liked this work, beacause I think it is something  important , this about commenting, beacause I sometimes have problems to comment, and these project helped me to made a comment, and I also  learn to use some websites like worldcloud, or blogger. I  think  this project is good to people to write great comments, beacause most of the best comentarys I have ever read have these traits in comun. For people that are interesting of doing good coments,
but I have a suggestion:  I would like to work more with the "world cloud",beacause I think is funny, and helps you, beacause you know apromately what the text is about.      .I found a good webpage that give some tips. (Its in English, but is easy to understand). I put the url here:
Now, I have some questions:

-Are we going to work more with the worldcloud?
-How can I do a suggestion, being respectfull?
-Does someone now other website who explain how to do great comments? (If yes, please send me an email with the link)
 This is all my reflection
Goodbye, Emilio

Here below, I put a skrinshot from mz comment. Hope you enjoy it.

Exercise Nr.2

Word cloud:

Matias Brugo Personal opinion

                                                                                      For me it is good that I can express my feelings in a comment , which at the same time helps another person to improve their quality when they are  writing a post . I think I've improved writing posts . It is a very good idea to invert time on making these kinds of comments that can help us a lot in the future.I also encourage this a lot, to make First of all  ,                                                     I read the post , without losing concentration. After reading about 
twice , I decided to take a pooling , and review good things that 
interested me , and the things that I did not find very useful . I could 
help with the PNG sent by Professor Benassi, by Google Classroom. With
 no video, audio or photos , I couldhandle in an easier way , only commenting on the text.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Constantin Viktor Klima, called Tino

My parents told me, that Constantin means to be constant, consistent, persistent, abiding,...
I hope this will happen some time.

I was born on the fifth of June 2003 in the Hospital Aleman in Buenos Aires. My mother mentioned that she tried everything to wait three hours more, that means I was born at three o'clock in the morning of 5/6/2003. My father had this strong request, because he is born on 4th of June and he didn't want that we have birthday on the same day....who knows why?

I have three citizenships: Argentina, Austria and Germany. It makes it a little bit complicated withe the passports.

I have 4 siblings. Two are living in Austria: My brother Jan, he is already married and has a daughter-.therefore I'm already aunt. My sister Julia, she is a teacher.
With us in Argentina live Catharina ( EP 6 Goethe) and Carolina ( EP 2 Goethe).

My hobbies are Basquetball ( I'm relatively tall for my age), painting Graffitis ( because of my parents I'm using paper and no walls until now), everything what is related with water :
  1. liqud: sailing, swimming, diving, 
  2. colder: snowboarding, skiing
  3. frozen: skating
Me be it is a heir from my father, he studied Informatics, I love everything in digital form: my laptop, my Ipad, my Iphone, my Playstation, Internet with Youtube,......

If somebody, who reads this and is intersted to get in contact, give me a comment on my blogg.



My video:_
  3. Wordcloud

You look in the eye of the "ES2B"-Camera

  4. Comment

Hey Emilio,

I want to congratulate you on this post. Your comparison with mm,cm,m and so on makes us understanding, that also data storage isn't endless. Despite the fact that every year we can see a duplication of the capacity of devices.
Only one recommandation:I thouht listening your audio of cloud computing. In the future, I learnd from your blogg, I will try to combine audio and video information to achieve a better understanding.
All bloggers should see your efforts to understand how it could work.

  5. Personal reflection

I felt, that it is one of the most complicated situations and we have to learn to deal with: How I could tell a friend of mine in a positive, motivating way, what in my opinion he could improve.
Leaders of a group of people in a company, a club or only a group of friends, but espacially also teachers should be able to show critics, recommendations and sometime also classification without demotivating and frustrating human beings. And without being disqualified, because everybody think's he is only snooty and a smart aleck.
The fact that we should make comments is a good exercise for our future behaviour.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Data Storage

Definition of Data Storage

In general the term  data storage is used for anything with information recorded on it.
Using this broad definition, a hardback volume of an encyclopedia, an audio cassette of a pop song, and even a piece of paper with random words written on it would all be considered examples. 
Today we limit this definition to the storage of information in a way, that a  computer or a similar device can use it.
Computer data storage can be divided into two main categories
  1. Primary storage: Information that the computer can access directly by his CPU. We call it memory.It is stored on integrated circuits - mainly on RAM ( Random Access Memory ).
  2. Secondary storage: Each is important, but the secondary type is usually what people think of when they use the expression Data Storage.
There are so many types of secondary storage,that the 2nd category was divided in three areas:
  1. On-site storage : remains with the computer: hard disks, solid state drives
  2. Removable : CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs, USB flash drives, portable hard disks.
  3. Off-site Data storage : most recent, information is stored away from the computer at a distant location: on line file hosting, cloude computi

Dear Colleagues,

please, be so kind to try my audio file on Cloud Computing

Thank you and enjoy it

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Exercise Nr2

Exercise Nr2:
Insert your word cloud.

Exercise Nr2 5)

First of all... HELLO GUYS! Here are my step of the point 5 of the Exercise Nr2.
It scrared me a little bit when Anselmo told us to write a good comment, because I did not knew and I did not understand how to do it . I wrote all along my life comments like : "Greate!", "Awsome" or "Keep doing like this. Lol", so I'm a disaster with this. Thant I raed the page "Making Conversation: How To Think Up Good Comments" that Anselmo sended and than I started writing. I really enjoyed writing comments. The first thing I wrote was something positive about the person who wrote the blog. Than I realized that  I could discuss things in common with her, like music and hobbies.  After that I told the writer some things that she could add to the blog to have it more complete. Than I wrote about some things I didn't knew about her and my opinion and something similar that happend to my mother too.  At last the thing I wrote at the end was the happy end.

Exercise Nr2: Personal Reflection

When Anselmo told us to write a comment, I was a little scared because everything I wrote in the comments was that I liked the picture or things like that and I could imagine that Anselmo did not want a comment like that. But then I read the page called " Making Conversation: How To Think Up Good Comments" and I came with some ideas.
First of all I searched for a comment where I could discuss things in common and where I could give my partner tips to improve. Then I started to read the post and became having thoughts. After that I started writing the comments. The first thing I wrote, was something nice. Then I started writing what we both have in common. After that, I realized that there was one thing that I did not know about my partner, so I commented it to her. There also was a thing that I remembered when we were younger. And at the end I gave her some tips to make her post more attractive.
I like this exercise because first of all I discovered things about another person, as well as I think that it helps you to put more attention on details when you see a photo or comment or whatever. 

Personal Opinion Alexia Descovich

Hello evreybody!
Here I am going to tell you how I felt during writing the comments.
Okay, I am going to be honest, I'm not sure what was I feeling when I wrote the comment, because I can not give constructive critics for works. Actually I won´t give a critic, because the works from all of you was really good, in my opinion. The only reason why I wrote that comment in Sophie's, Sof's and Solly's post was a question of something that I did not understood. Why did they put the tiger first and at the end the elephant. I think it is for the size, but I do't know. I think that they can make the pictures bigger, than you can see the difference between each animal.
For the next time I would like not to have this exercise, because it is very hard for me, to comment my friends posts and I do not write good texts. I don't want to "hurt" their feelings with a critic. That is the reason why I can not give this comments.


Excercise Nr2

Exercise Nr2

Exercise Nr2
Personal reflection about the process of commenting on a classmate's work: How did it make you feel? What steps did you take? Describe how you went about this task.

 I'd made me feel good because I wrote positive things to the writer and it helped me reflect on my work too. I felt very important writing my opinion. 

I took the steps that where in the link in Google Classroom from Anatomy of a good comment. 
First of all I greeted the writers and I congratulated them about they're work. I told them that I loved their work. I told them that they had a very good idea. Then I told the writers compliments.  Like, for example, the colours that they used were nice and that the information was the correct one. That the exercise was excellent for the first time. Another compliment was that the information was simple and that one could understand it.  After that I told them my experience with my friends doing the exercise. Next came the value. And at 
last I thanked them for publishing their works and I promised them that I would share the post to my friends. 

166/160 words

Personal Reflection Exercise NR.2 (5)

                               PERSONAL REFLECTION:

Hi I´m Joaquín Arana and I'm going to talk about how I felt when we do the project. Ok let's go...

Well, first I was scared because I did not understood what I must to do. But then I ask to my mother and she told me what i must to do. 

When I started I was nervous because I do not wanted to indicate the fail to my partner, but when I saw the anatomy and there was all very kindly, I understood how to wrote the comment.

I wrote a really large compliment and also a large value but not so long like the anatomy of a good comment. Then I don't now what fail must I to indicate to my partner but finally I found a fail and I wrote it very kindly, adversely my partner could be very angry. 

I think that this is a very good project because I didn't now how to write a good comment but now I now it.

Made with

Exercise Nr2: Word Cloud. Members Camila Moncayo, Felicitas De La Cruz and Olivia Kraus

Repost from Felicitas De La Cruz:

We chose a map as our figure in the word cloud, because people in different countries comment, and publish everyday, without knowing how they should do it.

Exercise Nr2: Comment

  1. Hi Sof,
    I really enjoyed reading your post. It is awesome!

    When I read it, I realized that both of us have lots of thing in common! For example I like to play Volleyball too and I agree with you, that the best thing to eat is the dough! I always eat the dough. I did not know that you also would like to do parachuting!It is amazing! My cousin has it done in Brazil two weeks ago. If you ever wanted to learn playing guitar, we could create a band because my dream is to learn drums! That might be a good idea.
    I thought that in your whole life you would like to have three or four cats, but no twenty! I feel so sorry that you are allergic to cats and you love them so much.
    When I saw the post of your favorite actor, Logan Lerman, I remembered that a few years ago we thought that his name was Logan Lauran. Oh! Things that we believed in old times, isn't it?
    The favorite song you mean above, is from Nelly. When you told me about this song I did not know who was the singer and how would it sound. At least I love it too!
    Maybe you could have put some photo of you, to make it look more attractive. Anyways I love your post!

Exercise Nr.2

Personal reflection
Hello there, I like this exercise because there is interesting, very entertainig and helpfull for these persons that dont know how make a good comment. I also found a new page that it is very interresting. His name is (here is the link and it is a very cool page. Here you can make a very good project with words in a fotf. First you have to text some words, than you have to give them a form (in mine is a arrow of internet) and then you can change color of the backround and the words. You have make a Wordcloud! Also I have learn to make a better comment than "very interesant" and "I like it why...". I can make now very good comments and tath makes me very happy. I learn how is maked a comment and that was a little interesant. I hope we will make more exercises like this.
This is my personal reflection.
Pedro Pastorino

Exercise Nr2 by Astrid Corbacho

Personal reflection about commenting a classmates post

First I read all the information about commenting posts and about the structure that needed to have a comment. Then I picked up a publishment to comment it and I really liked Brittas, so I decided to write my opinion. At the beginning I asked my self how this post made me feel and if I had something similar to her or if something simmilar had happend to me before. After I answerd those questions I wrote my comment and I  value her post. I asked my self "Is it well written?", "Is the content intersting?" and I wrote those answers. I liked this exercise, because I think it is important to know how to express your point of view or your feeling about a publishment in a formal way. At the beginning I was a little confused, but after asking my self some questions and having some ideas in my mind what I was going to write I could create a comment with no problem. Now I can write better comments in a our google plus communities!

This is my word cloud:

Exercise 2:

  Exercise 2:

For me it is good that I can express my feelings in a comment , which at the same time helps another person to improve their quality when they are  writing a post . I think I've improved writing posts . It is a very good idea to invert time on making these kinds of comments that can help us a lot in the future.
I also encourage this a lot, to make First of all  ,                                                     I read the post , without losing concentration. After reading about 
twice , I decided to take a pooling , and review good things that 
interested me , and the things that I did not find very useful . I could 
help with the PNG sent by Professor Benassi, by Google Classroom. With
 no video, audio or photos , I couldhandle in an easier way , only commenting on the text.

  Exercise 2:
For me it is good that I can express my feelings in a comment , which at the same time helps another person to improve their quality when they are  writing a post . I think I've improved writing posts . It is a very good idea to invert time on making these kinds of comments that can help us a lot in the future.                        I also encourage this a lot, to make comments on the future.

Hi! this is my Wordcloud, hope you enjoy. :)
Exercise Nr2
 commenting some posts

How did it make me feel?

I feld  good that I could  write what I think about someone's post , becouse the evauation , even if it would be bad , will help him/her to make it better the next time. Its important for others to know what people think about they're posts, I didnt thought about that before. I learned much about how to make a good comment ,and im really happy , because I think it's really important to know how to make an well structured comment . Next time, I'm not just going to comment "Great post".

What steps did you take ?
First of all , I read the post and thought about how it  made me feel. Some parts did made me laugh , and some parts made me think . Some even remembered me to something. Then I asked myself: What are the good things and what are the bad things in this post ? Remembering the good thinks , I first made a compliment , and then , I valued it so she could do better next time . There were also some great pictures  and Videos , so I also commented about how much I enjoyed them.

My comment:
Hi Feli! 
I really enjoyed this post and the videos!I think you are really funny and you are really good in english . The text really caught my attention .It was really interesting, I didn't knew you were born in new York!I also think we have much thinks in comun ;) 

I absolutly loved the pictures. They are really good! specialy the first one , with your family. The videos were also pretty good and I loved the trailer of "me before you" It really touched me , and I want to watch the movie now! I already saw " The proposal"Its a really funny movie, and it has a very pretty end.
You are a movie lover just like me. 

I admire you. I always wandet to play the chelo, I think it's a beautyfull instrument. I play the piano too, and I like to sing.

Your family names are really interesting. It kind of remembered me of 
African names, and, I once read , the name of your brother means: the king of the light.

I really would like to know more about you!
You're such an interesting person.

I'm ready to google the meaning of felicitas now! 
I'll be sharing with my friends :)