Friday, March 18, 2016

Hi! My name is Sophie Schwald , but everybody calls me Sof , its my nickname so I dont get confused with the other Sophie in the class. I was born in Argentina on the 13 of January. I am thirteen years old and I have two brothers and one sister.

I really like to draw and one of my favourites sports is volleyball , actually , is the only one I like. Im not that athletik. One of the other things I really like to do is to bake ( the best part of it is eating all the dough ).

I play the piano but i would like to play the guitar. I also would like to do parashooting, but my mom says that as long as shes alive , i can forget that.....

In my whole life I had like twenty cats...really...but they all died, i guess they couldnt suport my little brother, and like one year later we found out i am alergic to cats  and thats a pain because love cats

Resultado de imagen para gatitos tristes

My favourite actor is logan lerman.

Resultado de imagen para logan lerman

 And my favourite movie is : the last song , and , about songs... my favourite is called : just a dream , from..... i dont know...

That was all! i hope you enjoy the song!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sof,
    I really enjoyed reading your post. It is awesome!

    When I read it, I realized that both of us have lots of thing in common! For example I like to play Volleyball too and I agree with you, that the best thing to eat is the dough! I always eat the dough. I did not know that you also would like to do parachuting!It is amazing! My cousin has it done in Brazil two weeks ago. If you ever wanted to learn playing guitar, we could create a band because my dream is to learn drums! That might be a good idea.
    I thought that in your whole life you would like to have three or four cats, but no twenty! I feel so sorry that you are allergic to cats and you love them so much.
    When I saw the post of your favorite actor, Logan Lerman, I remembered that a few years ago we thought that his name was Logan Lauran. Oh! Things that we believed in old times, isn't it?
    The favorite song you mean above, is from Nelly. When you told me about this song I did not know who was the singer and how would it sound. At least I love it too!
    Maybe you could have put some photo of you, to maƱe it look more attractive. Anyways I love your post!
