Sunday, March 20, 2016

my name is Alexia Descovich, and I was born on the 14th of Oktober. I allways live in Martinez, Buenos Aires, Argentina. My family consists of my little brother Jan, who is 11 years old. My mother Andrea and my father Andres. We all live in the same house, but my grandmother from my mothers side live only 4 blocks from us. There I have my two pets. My dog Falqui, who is a Schnauzer stanadrt, I love him very much, and my turtle Manuela. I love to ride horses. In Cariló I help a man to rent horses and there I have "MY" horse. I write MY with "" because the horse isn`t mine, but I am the only one who rides him. THIS IS TACO.
In this photo I am with him, "MY" HORSE !!! My favourite horse breed is "alazan", because they are strong and beautifull. I allso play volley at school and I realy ike it because it´s fun and I have realy good friends!!!


  1. Hi there Alexia !
    What a coincidence, I also have two pets like yours... a Schnauzer named Bello and a turtle named "Trotuman"... but they do not get along well... believe it or not, the turtle usually bites the dog...

    I like the layout of your post, the text is flowing around the image, that is quite nice for this kind of post. You look very happy in that picture, it seems you are enjoying the ride !

    See you in class

  2. Hi there again ! I just forgot to ask you something... please insert a title to your post... thx
