Hi everybody! My name is Gloria but everybody calls me Loli. I am 13 years old and i was born the 27. December 2002. I live in San Isidro. I have two brothers and a twin sister: Cristobal (15), Miguel (17) and Isabel (13).
I play the piano sins I was 7 years old and now it's one of my hobbies. I love to do sports too. Last year I was in the Bonaerense tournament and i won the 3rd place in high jump. I played hockey 5 years and now I play volleyball.
I love to hear music. I have a special or weird taste in music. I hate the cumbia or reggae-ton, because all the songs are the same and the worst thing is that it's the new fashion, but I like the genres like pop or alternative rock. Some of my favorite bands are "Fall Out Boy" and "One Republic". Here are songs that I really like.
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