Saturday, October 1, 2016

Post Nr.1


Create stories, games and animations
Share with others around the world

Scratch is a very creative  website in which you can create and program your own stories, games and animations. You can also share them with other persons in the online community, with other persons around the world that you follow. The URL of the Scratch website is . The Scratch Website is extremely customizable; other users can be followed, studios can be created, and projects can be deleted. Other users' profiles can be viewed as well.
We are going to explain how to use scratch.

First of all you have to enter in Scratch and log in or create an account.
Scratch project example

  1. You choose you sprite (for e.g: cat, person)
  2. You pick your script, costumes or sound.
  3. As you finish you click on the green flag and the  script, costumes or sound that you have chosen will do it or play it. (with the red sign you stop your project)


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