Sunday, June 19, 2016

Post 1

A spreadsheet, also known as worksheet, contains rows and columns. It's an application for organization and storage of data. In the software, the intersection of a row and a column is called a cell. Cells hold items of data.
Rows are identified by numbers and columns by letters. The cell is a combination of a letter and a number to identify a particular location within the sheet (for example: A3)
A spreadsheet can do different calculations.
How do you calculate values?
You begin with a equal sign. Then you put the name of the cell, and than you put the sign depending on wich calculate you want to do . For example: plus (+), minus (-), Multiplication (*) or divided by (/). Then you the name of a second cell and you click enter.

You can add charts to see information in different ways, for example, pie charts, that tell you the porcentage of the total, or a column chart that shows you the quantity of items.
You can design the charts by adding colours, changing the format and size however you like.

from : Oli kraus, Sophie lueg and sof schwald

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